2020 threw us all for a loop, but now that we’re ready to look at it from the rear-view mirror, we turn our gaze forward and realise we have so much to look forward to. In 2020, consumers left stores to turn to safer alternatives, and the infamous pandemic changed the way we shop, socialize, entertain, and more.
Let’s get sippin’ on the top 5 drink trends to look out for in 2021!
1) Cocktails-to-go are here-to-stay
As restaurants and bars continue to look for inventive ways to generate revenue, ready-to-go meals and drinks have become all the rage! Having lost motivation after exhausting meetings and extensive hours of screen-time, people look forward to having fun with exciting flavours but with little to no efforts. Gone are the days of Wine and Beers, captivating cocktails is where it’s at! Don’t worry, Sippin’ has got your back.
4) More for Less!
Stocking up on groceries for weeks to months at a time due to economic uncertainty has compelled us to make purchases at a lower price point. You shouldn’t have to compromise your tight wallets to have the perfect Sippin’ experience. Multi-serve products, variety packs with multiple flavours, and shelf-stable options are definitely the way to go!
5) Road to Recovery
Calling 2020 a stress-induced emotional rollercoaster is an understatement. In 2021 we should demand nothing but relaxation, mental clarity, and a sense of comfort. Swap your sugars and sweeteners for functional and clean label ingredients and watch the blanket of comfort tuck you right in. Feel-good products and nostalgic flavours are your key to a happy life in 2021!
What are you waiting for? Let’s get Sippin’!
By Riddhi Redkar